If you are a registered customer, you can access your order history by logging into your account using the credentials you used to create your account. You will find the “My Account” link located at the top of each page. Once you have accessed your account, you can click on the “My Orders” link for order status. If you are not a registered user, you can contact Customer Service at 323-888-8838 or by using the "Help" form located on all store pages.
Customer Service hours are 8am to 5pm (PST/PDT) Monday through Friday.
Once your order has been shipped you will receive an email confirmation with a UPS tracking number, that can be used to track the status of your package at www.ups.com/tracking/tracking.html.
In stock orders: Orders are authorized and processed real-time so canceling an in stock order is very difficult. If you need to cancel, please contact customer service by clicking here or call 323-888-8838 as soon as possible after the order has been placed. If the order has already been processed, you will need to follow the Returns process to return the product for credit or exchange.
Out of stock/backorders: If you need to cancel and item/order that is out of stock or on backorder, please contact customer service by calling 323-888-8838 or by using the "Help" form located on all store pages. Once your item/order has been cancelled, you will be notified via email via a cancellation confirmation. If for any reason your order is unable to be cancelled and has been shipped, you will need to follow the Returns process to return the product for credit or exchange.
All prices are displayed in US Dollars. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards for payment. We also accept PayPal. Your credit card will not be billed until your order has been shipped. Any applicable credits or refunds will be applied back to the credit card or PayPal account used for the original purchase.
We charge sales tax for all online orders that are being shipped to locations in California only. Other states are not charged at this time.
Coupon and other Promotional codes are limited to one per order. They cannot be combined.
If you are a returning customer, you can easily update your information by logging into your account. You will find the "My Account" link located in the top of each page. Once you have accessed your account, you can click on the "Account Information" link to update your account information.
YES! E-Gift Cards are available here: Lauren Moshi E-Gift Card
Certain products are available exclusively online through the Sites. These products may have limited quantities and are subject to return or exchange only through the Sites according to the applicable return policy.
Our Customer Service Dept. will be closed on the following observed Holidays in 2017:
New Year's - Jan 1
President’s Day - Feb 20
Memorial Day - May 29
Independence Day - July 4
Labor Day - Sept 4
Thanksgiving - Nov 23
Day After Thanksgiving - Nov 24
Christmas - Dec 25
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